Saturday, July 23, 2011

construction With Bricks - Joint Types

construction With Bricks - Joint Types

When construction with bricks, there are many types of brick joint you can use, each with it's own specific purpose.

Flush joints
The mortar is cut flush to the outer face of the bricks with the trowel. Bricks that do not have a flat face will likely be hard to flush neatly.

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Rolled joints
A round bar is used to press in the mortar. Some bricklayers use a short length of orchad hose to do this kind of joint but this can result in a coarse finish to the mortar. A steel tool will give a very smooth finish.

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Weather joints
This type of joint allows rain water to drip down the face of the bricks and slow water absorption.

Struck joint
This is constructed development use of the trowel and only horizontal joints are struck.

Heavy bagging
The wall is lightly sprayed with water and smudged with a hessian bag in which mortar is placed. This will leave 1 or 2mm of mortar on the face of the wall. With a thin application of mortar, swirls or other patterns can be achieved.

V joint
A extra square-edged tool is used to rake out mortar leaving a V-shape.

Raked joint
Mortar is raked out with a tool to a maximum depth of 10mm.

Light bagging (smudging)
A hanger-on or hessian bag is rubbed over the face of the wall whilst the mortar is still wet.

Mortar that oozes out of the joints is tooled flat. Alternatively, the brickie finishes all joints flush and goes over the whole job at the end to tool mortar over the flush joints.

Ooze joint
Excess mortar that oozes out of the joints is left in place.

It's important that mortar joints are ended evenly throughout. Tooled joints effectively compress the mortar and make it extra weatherproof. Rolled joints are less likely to permit mortar to break than raked joints, thus development them suitable for harsh coastal conditions where salt causes the mortar to break down. Adding colour to mortar can sometimes sway the bonding properties of the mortar.

Some joints, like parge, take a considerable time to do so the bricklayer must be told this in progress of pricing the job. The sort of brick (clay, cored, solid, lime silicate or concrete) as well as the size of the brick will also sway the rate the brickie charges.

A popular area of dispute in the middle of clients and builders is the difference in mortar joints of brickwork. The Australian Standards specify a maximum difference of plus or minus 3mm over a three metre length of bedding joint and a difference from 5 to 20mm for perpendicular joints. Ideally, all joints ought to be close to 10mm and a bricklayer would not be proud of workmanship which only just complied with the Australian Standards. If bricks are handmade, rumbled or clinker types then discrepancies in mortar widths will be less definite but if the bricks are evenly sized and have sharp, quadrilateral edges then the outcomes will be disappointing. If mortar widths are likely to be an issue then the bricklayer will observation this at the beginning of the job and need to suggest the constructor who will then have the brick constructor collate the size difference of the bricks.

As a result of the wide difference inherent in brick colours, it is wise to visit the brickyard and make a singular batch selection. The batch you select is going to be put to one side until your constructor calls for their delivery to site. While at the brickyard check that the specific bricks you've prime have not had any problems. Some bricks with an excess of lime in the clay have been known to 'pop' or exfoliate when the globules of lime become wet and expand. When popping occurs it leaves white lime spots on the bricks. Ask the brick provider for numerous addresses of homes that have utilized your beloved brick and visit them just before confirming your selection. Comparing assorted mortar colours is also useful as they can give a thoroughly different appearance to a wall. Combining two or extra brick types for instance suitable and double size bricks or colours can generate challenging features but this will need extra care by the bricklayer to achieve the desired effect. It's also worth checking if the brick provider has specific window sill bricks and squint bricks that can be used on 45° corners. If matching squint bricks are not accessible then the bricklayer will need to cut solid bricks to suit. Sills may be made by laying the suitable brick on its edge and sloping it out. Any way a sill is created, it is crucial that it slopes outwards so that rainwater can drain away.

construction With Bricks - Joint Types

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